Hyperfilm Credits

Written, Produced and Directed by

Christian Wach & Mino De Francesca


Piers Gibbon


Club Dancers
Lisa De Francesca
John Bentley

Club DJs
Spinster and Nomates

Street Couple
John & Kaivon Williams

Richard Frank
Rob Mills
Paul Reilly

plus extras too numerous to mention


Martin Rowe

Richard Humphries

Location Sound
Clement McLarty

Set Dressing
Trish McGrath

Stills Photography
Steven Leighton

Title Graphics
Juliet Clarke
Richard Higgs

Ecotec 'Straight Edge'
(used with the kind permission of Mark Ransome)

Special Thanks to

Anne Scorer
Bristol Climbing Centre
Bristol Exploratory
Club 19
CVA Broadcast Engineering Ltd
David Rayner Clark
Laser Quest
Naked Design
RAC Control Centre

About This Page

HyperFilm is a prototype interactive film that I made way back in 1997. If you already have a copy of the film on CDROM, you can use this production file to find out more about the film. If you would like a copy, please email me. You can leave comments on the blog entry which refers to this project.

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