Climbing Centre/Church Scene

Exploratory Scene Photo
Laser Quest Scene Photo

The scene into which the cameras move is difficult to identify immediately. There are strangely textured walls, and the architecture is intriguing and abstract. It is not until two climbers are seen that the location is revealed as a climbing centre. P verifies the purpose of the building by testing a rope but this unsettles him by sounding like a chain.

The climbers are dependent on (and connected to) each other; their twinning resembling the relationship between the subjective and objective cameras. Visual clues such as this occur throughout HyperFilm, and cryptically suggest the outcome of the story.

When P rounds the next corner, however, he finds that it is in fact a converted church. A climber dangling helplessly from the ceiling alerts him to his misconceptions, and he exits the scene with renewed uncertainty.


About This Page

HyperFilm is a prototype interactive film that I made way back in 1997. If you already have a copy of the film on CDROM, you can use this production file to find out more about the film. If you would like a copy, please email me. You can leave comments on the blog entry which refers to this project.

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